
Welcome to the website built for sharing ideas, for sparking interest in topics we may not have thought about on our own. My book and podcast, Borderline, evolved from an event that thrust me into caring about an issue I had never really thought much about. But now, after years of research, writing, and speaking about it, through my book and now my podcast, I am hopefully a messenger for others. My voice, decrying rape and sexual assault, is one voice. But it reflects millions of other voices impacted by this heinous act. Please join me in sharing this message by listening to the podcast or buying my book. Click an image below to listen or read.
click image for Borderline Podcast
click image for Borderline book
What is your message? What work do you wish to share with the
If you have a self published book or podcast that you would like to
place on this website please send it to me by filling in the form (TBD). I
will try to publish it on this site, as space allows, along with links to
Amazon or podcast platforms and pictures of your work.